Surprising Results: Psilocybin Trial for Depression Alleviates Chronic Pain

An NYU psilocybin depression study participant discovers an unforeseen application for psychedelics: the treatment of chronic pain. Part 1 of the series: Psychedelics and Chronic Pain.

Court Wing recounted his participation in a psilocybin study for depression that actually ended up alleviating his chronic pain in part 1, but what happened after?

What even is pain, why does it recur so much in some cases, and how can we change our perceptions to stop those patterns?

All these explorations and more led Court to found REMAP Therapeutics, a research and advocacy group dedicated to conducting research and creating awareness around the link between psychedelic medicines & chronic pain relief.


Why Did Psychedelics Relieve My Chronic Pain?


End of Year Psychedelic Research Review: Study #4