Book a Private Consultation

REMAP's background of 30 years working at the leading edge of the pain and performance industries uniquely positions us to advise those looking to employ psychedelics as a primary or adjunctive therapy to their standard-of-care treatment plan. Our incredibly rich and unique network of noted leaders in their field allows us to develop top-line treatment plans, tailored to each client's distinct presentation, history, and individual neurology.

For those clients who are currently unable to attend our solo or group retreats, or who feel comfortable working on their own, these consultations may prove to be a rich source of expert guidance, and provide carefully considered guardrails to gain the maximum benefit from psychedelic medicines to reduce pain and suffering. Thorough screening is conducted prior to consultations to evaluate the suitability of clients for this option.

Please inquire for pricing estimates.


My life with chronic physical pain (CRPS- Type II, full body, glossodynia, & severe foot neuromas) began in 2003 after a surgical mishap. A few years later, my life with mental pain began (PTSD, Major Depression, Severe Anxiety). For over 30 years, my spiritual life was nearly nonexistent.

Fast forward to March 2023 when I was introduced to Court and my life was forever changed. In July, after months of preparation, I went on a retreat in hopes of finding relief from some of my physical pain. However, I was blessed with so much more. While preparing for the retreat, Court shared information about the plant medicine (psilocybin) as well as how to perform numerous breathing, neuromodulation, and visual exercises.

Since I leaving the retreat, Court and I have continued through integration via email, phone, text and video. I left the retreat with little to no pain, physically or mentally. My spiritual life was kickstarted with the spiritual/mystical experiences I had while on the retreat. There aren't enough positive words to express my feelings for Court, (and REMAP Therapeutics) and everything that's happened. I feel like I felt before July 2003, I love life and I love God.

- L.W.